Ariston washing machine does not spin

You may find yourself with a heap of wet clothes and a frustrating situation when your Ariston washing machine stops spinning. Numerous factors, from small glitches to more significant mechanical issues, can contribute to this frequent problem.

We’ll look at the most common causes of your Ariston washing machine not spinning in this post. In order to assist you in getting your machine back in working order, we’ll also offer helpful solutions.

Understanding the problem’s origin is the first step in fixing it, regardless of how simple or complex the solution is. Let’s examine the potential reasons and solutions for them.

Possible Cause Solution
Overloaded drum Reduce the load and try again
Unbalanced load Redistribute clothes evenly
Clogged filter Clean the filter
Drainage issue Check and clear the drain hose
Faulty motor Contact a technician

When it is not a breakdown

Not every machine not spinning is an indication of a malfunction. It’s not necessary to panic and start budgeting for expensive repairs right away. Compression or twisting of the drain hose is one of the main causes of poor spinning (or non-spinning). Water cannot flow into the sewer in this situation. All you have to do is examine the hose and drain connections.

Certain washing modes don’t require spinning. For instance, the spin mode won’t activate if you choose to wash woolen items or a delicate wash. You have to manually activate the spin mode if you need to spin anything.

If the spin program is set to low speeds, the laundry will stay wet. Spinning will be done in this instance, but it won’t result in satisfactorily spun laundry. The spin mode at faster speeds needs to be started separately.

The washing machine won’t spin smoothly if the load isn’t loaded properly. These days, almost every model has an intelligent weighing feature. The machine won’t enter this mode if, after weighing the laundry, it determines that its weight isn’t ideal for spinning. There are two possible weights: too much and too little. To determine the ideal weight for spinning, take items out of the drum that are not needed or, on the other hand, add more items.

If, after ruling out all the previously mentioned possibilities, the laundry machine is not spinning, there might be a malfunction. There will be a minor fix needed. Let’s examine the key ideas.

A malfunction is to blame

This issue could be caused by a complex malfunction. How to proceed, where to look for explanations? The most frequent malfunctions that cause the laundry’s spinning cycle to be interrupted are:

  • problems with the drain pump;
  • breakdown of the pressure switch;
  • incorrect operation of the tachometer;
  • engine malfunctions;
  • error in the control module.

These are the primary and most frequent reasons why spin mode malfunctions occur. There are others, but most experts say they happen very infrequently. When performing the repair yourself, you must first examine each of the listed components.

Check and repair the pump

If the washing machine display illuminates with the F11 code, then everything becomes much easier. All this points to is a drain pump issue. Locate the matching unit first. The machine must be turned on its side. The body can be saved if you first place a soft cloth on the ground. You must remove the bottom (if your model has one) after removing the screws. Proceed with this next.

  1. You need to carefully feel the drain pipe. If you feel blockages in it, you need to remove it from the pump.
  2. Loosen the clamp holding the part.
  3. After unscrewing the bolts that hold the part, you need to disconnect the electrical wires.
  4. Remove the pump.
  5. Disconnect the pipe from the tank, rinse it under running water. This way, it will be cleaned well.

Examine the pump visually. Most of the time, the pump just becomes clogged with dirt, which is why it stops working. Empty it. After that, return it to its usual location and use a multimeter to ring it. It is necessary to replace the pump if there is no signal. An impeller that breaks is the same.

If your Ariston washing machine isn’t spinning, it might be the result of common problems like an uneven load, a clogged filter, or a broken motor. By being aware of these issues and following some easy troubleshooting techniques, you can fix the problem and keep your machine from needing an expensive repair.

Checking and replacing the level sensor

Other unit malfunctions may also give rise to the spinning issues mentioned. Finally, make sure the old pressure switch isn’t functioning before replacing it. You must take it off in order to check it. There are a few easy steps you must follow in order to remove the pressure switch, also known as the water level sensor.

  1. Remove the top cover of the machine by sliding it back. The pressure switch is located on the side wall. It is secured with special screws.
  2. You need to disconnect the wires and remove the hose from the pressure switch. Unscrew the bolts securing the unit and remove it.
  3. Inspect the part, rinse it with water if you suspect contamination. The connectors should not be oxidized. If there is oxidation, they need to be carefully cleaned.
  4. Check the functionality of the unit.

The next step is to attach a hose to your nipple, bring it up to your ear, and blow into the hose’s free end. The device should be able to detect a single click with clarity. This suggests that communication is occurring. Several clicks might be required, depending on the model.

The worst indication is when there are no clicks. It suggests there is a problem with the part. If there are clicks, you should use an ohmmeter to verify the contacts’ dependability. The measuring device must be connected to the appropriate sockets at the unit’s input. There will be a voltage surge when it closes and opens. The device is broken if there isn’t any. The pressure switch needs to be replaced if the outcomes of these steps indicate that it isn’t functioning.

It is worth checking the Hall sensor

Approach the engine if the pressure switch is functioning properly. However, it is also crucial to confirm that the tachometer is operating correctly before inspecting the engine. Frequently, it may also be the root of the issue. You will need to disassemble the washing machine in order to inspect this component. The following is the order of events:

  • disconnect the equipment from the power supply, as well as from the communication outputs and inputs;
  • on the back wall of the case, you need to remove all the screws, remove the wall itself;
  • remove the drive belt by pulling it slightly towards you and simultaneously turning the pulley.

It is now necessary to take the engine out of the machine. It’s critical to remember to label every wire that connects to the engine. The bolts holding the motor in place must then be removed. We remove the motor from the machine by gently rocking it. Once the engine is out of the way, the Hall sensor is visible. Its improper operation could be caused by a number of things, including loose fasteners and disconnected contacts. All of this is related to intense vibrations. In addition to checking the contacts, you must tighten the bolt. The technique below is used to check the tachogenerator’s resistance:

  • set the tester to the resistance measurement mode;
  • you need to unclamp the wire connectors and move them away from the sensor contacts;
  • check the resistance by attaching the probes to the contacts.

The tachogenerator has a resistance norm of 60–70 Ohm.

To check if current is being generated, turn the tester on to the voltage reading mode. If so, the tachogenerator is not the source of the issue. Touch the sensor contacts with the tester probes. Keep an eye on the readings as you manually turn the engine. Current is being generated if the readings alter. The gadget should typically display a voltage of roughly 0.2 volts. Lastly, you need to examine every wire. Seldom does the tachogenerator itself malfunction. The Hall sensor will require replacement if a problem is found.

We will open the engine

Engine problems are common in Ariston brand washing machines because they have collector motors. The brushes, lamellas, rotor winding, and stator winding in such a motor are susceptible to breaking.

On the sides of the motor housing are the brushes. They are both present. They tend to wear out quickly because the metal they are made of is fairly soft. If you notice mechanical wear, replace them. It is typically "by eye" visible. It is advised to start the engine and watch how it runs if the wear is not noticeable "by eye." The brushes must be changed if they spark.

Any retailer that sells parts for Ariston washing machines has new brushes available.

Lamellas have unique fastening characteristics: they are glued to the shaft, which can cause issues. This is why, in the event that the motor jams, they frequently peel off. You can solve the issue by turning the collectors on a lathe if the damage is not too severe. Sandpaper is required to clean metal shavings.

The lamellas must be closely examined with the naked eye. When delamination is present, extra attention must be paid to it. Any burrs have the potential to cause issues with the washing machine’s "heart" mechanism.

The engine’s power will decrease until it comes to a complete stop if there is a direct winding problem. The engine shuts down in an emergency following a short circuit. Using a multimeter, the windings’ operability is examined. It needs to be switched to the resistance mode. After that, fasten the probes to the lamella. The typical indication ranges from 20 to 200 Ohm. A short circuit is indicated by a lower value, and a winding break is indicated by a higher value.

You must set the multimeter to the "buzzer" mode in order to examine the stator’s operability. The ends of the wiring require the probes to be applied individually. The absence of noises will signify that there are no issues. There is an issue if the gadget produces noise.

Next, affix one probe to the wiring while the other is attached to the body. There ought to be silence. Their existence will signal an issue. You won’t be able to fix it yourself if the winding is found to be defective. The engine will need to be replaced in its entirety.

The most common causes of non-spinning Ariston washing machines are basic problems like an uneven load or a clogged filter. Checking and fixing these on your own is simple.

If the issue continues, though, it could indicate a more serious one, like a malfunctioning motor or a worn-out belt. The best course of action in these situations is typically professional repair.

Maintaining your washing machine properly and on a regular basis can help avoid these issues before they start. Easy actions like cleaning the machine on a regular basis and not overloading the drum can have a significant impact.

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Alexey Volkov

Specialist in service and repair of washing machines. My work has taught me to understand all the intricacies of the device of this equipment. On this site I share my knowledge about how to properly care for a washing machine to extend its service life, and what to do if problems arise. My goal is to help you avoid common mistakes and save money on repairs.

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