How to reset an error on a Bosch washing machine

There is one peculiarity with the self-diagnosis systems of various Bosch washing machines. Even after fixing the washing machine, you cannot simply erase the error code that the program displayed in response to identifying a malfunction.

After repairing the breakdown, you must reset the error on the Bosch washing machine by following a specific plan. The washing machine won’t start up properly or be usable until after this. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of doing just that.

Reset on Bosch Classixx series washing machines

Let’s start with the washing machines from the Bosch Classixx series. We will now go over the correct reset scheme for Bosch Classixx 5, Classixx 4, and Classixx 3 models. Therefore, there are a few easy steps you must take in order to reset the error that you are already getting pretty tired of:

  1. Press the "on/start" button and hold it down.
  2. Turn the selector from the "off" position two positions to the left (two clicks). Continue holding the "on/start" button.
  3. Wait 2 seconds and release the "on/start" button.
  4. The display should show the duration of the washing program on which the selector is currently set. On machines without a display, all indicators should blink.

The machines in the Classixx series are highly erratic. It might not work the fourth time, or the error might be reset the first time. It may take several attempts to get the reset to function.

Reset on the Bosch Maxx 5 series

Bosch Maxx 5 washing machines reset the error using an entirely different method. There are two primary categories for these machines: those with displays and those without. The error code is reset in the same manner for both. Put the program switch in the "off" position as a result.

Once the machine is turned on and the error code has triggered, all manipulations must be carried out. When all the indicators on a machine without a display flash simultaneously, it indicates the error code.

The selector should then be moved to the "spin" position. We now set it to 6 hours if it was in the "off" position for 12 hours. Press and hold the "drum speed" button now. Hold down the "drum speed" button while adjusting the selector to the "Drain" position for seven hours. After three seconds, let go of the "drum speed" button. The selector should be set to "Super fast 15" right away (for 4 hours). Turn the program selector counterclockwise to the "off" position after two seconds of waiting.

The error should then reset after this. You will notice it if the error disappears because the Bosch washing machine will begin any cycle of washing without any issues and the washing programs will activate sequentially. You must repeat the steps until it functions if the reset does not happen.

Reset for Logixx 8 series machines

A Bosch Logixx 8 washing machine error reset scheme that is just as mysterious. As all things considered, it is unclear why the programmers included such an odd algorithm in it. Why was it necessary for them? We’ll forward this inquiry to the German developers, and we’ll proceed to the explanation of how to reset the Bosch Logixx 8 washing machine’s error code without any problems. We thus behave as follows.

  1. Turn on the machine.
  2. Move the program selection knob to the "Spin" position.
  3. Wait about two seconds until a characteristic beep is heard and the error flashes on the display.
  4. Find a button near the display with an arrow to the left, hold it down, and count 4 seconds.
  5. Then quickly turn the program selection knob to the left by 1 division (to the drain position).
  6. Then release the "Arrow" button and move the program selector to the "off" position.

Once you have completed the aforementioned steps, the error will be reset, and you can begin washing after turning on the washing machine once more. Please be aware that merely resetting the error without addressing its root cause will undoubtedly result in its return. A major system failure could arise from doing such a reset, which would cause more issues. Instead, it should only be done following a high-quality repair.


19 reader comments

I’m grateful. reset the Bosch Sportline 8 error with assistance. The machine is stuck in the "no" state because the drum is blocked. The door is unlocked upon reset. However, the machine’s drum does not rotate, and repeatedly resetting the device just activates the water supply—the engine is not rotated.

Display-free Bosch WLF 16170 CE Classixx 5. The rinse indicator is non-responsive, blinking. The given option, which was saved, did not help. It said to hold down "Start" while rotating the selector by one click while rotating it counterclockwise, then release "Start" after two seconds. After the reset, all indicators will blink.

Bosch Maxx 5. The time on the display increases after the start, for example, when washing quickly. It ends when it reaches 24. It rinses normally when I manually set it to rinse. What’s the issue with it? There are no errors visible on the screen.

I have a Bosch Avantix 7 Vario Perfect washing machine. We came home with water on the floor and a full sink of water. The door was blocked, I made a drain from the hose at the bottom – the door was unlocked. Then I tried to turn on the machine, all programs are out of order, for example, the spin cycle was 22 minutes, and became 19 minutes, other programs are also out of order + – a difference of 5 minutes. The machine does not allow itself to start, the power-on blinks and the iron is activated. After the past 2 hours, I try to turn it on again, now the machine has started blinking on the display, switching programs – it wants to return to the normal position for washing at 2 hours 45 minutes. And then resets to 2 hours 44 minutes and it was still blinking on the display back and forth. What to do, please tell me?

Bosch SpeedPrefect Maxx5 apparatus. The door lock is broken and displays a system error. Indeed. Assist me in eliminating the mistake.

It is usually easy to reset an error on a Bosch washing machine by turning it off, unplugging it for a short while, and then plugging it back in. It might be necessary to hold down certain buttons or run a diagnostic cycle if the error continues. You can get your machine back to operating smoothly by following this guide, which will walk you through these steps.

My 3D washing series 6 is here. Unintentionally, I stood there wearing a robe, and the display appeared to be blocked. After researching online, I took something out from underneath and unlocked the door. However, the blocker remains in place and does not turn off. I attempted to reset it, but to no avail. How should I proceed? Kindly let me know.

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Alexey Volkov

Specialist in service and repair of washing machines. My work has taught me to understand all the intricacies of the device of this equipment. On this site I share my knowledge about how to properly care for a washing machine to extend its service life, and what to do if problems arise. My goal is to help you avoid common mistakes and save money on repairs.

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