How to remove lipstick from white clothes at home: the best store and folk remedies

Especially with its vivid and tenacious stains, lipstick can seem like a catastrophe when applied to white clothing. However, there are efficient methods you can use at home to get rid of these marks.

This post will discuss the top homemade and store-bought methods for removing lipstick stains from clothing without causing harm to your most beloved white items. We have you covered whether you’d rather use common household items or store-bought stain removers.

Store Remedies Folk Remedies
Stain remover spray Rubbing alcohol
Liquid laundry detergent Lemon juice
Oxygen bleach White vinegar
Pre-wash stain stick Dish soap
Enzyme-based cleaner Baking soda paste

Although it can be difficult, lipstick stains on white clothing can be completely removed at home with the correct method. Both store-bought goods and common household items like dish soap, baking soda, and rubbing alcohol can be used. In order to stop the stain from setting, it’s important to move fast and take the right actions. The best ways to remove lipstick from white clothing so that it looks brand new will be demonstrated in this guide.

How to remove lipstick from clothes

Let’s choose the makeup of the object we wish to remove the lipstick from. Don’t give up if the label states to "Wash at low temperature"; stains can always be removed from materials, including red lipstick. Keep in mind that without extra assistance, automatic washing machines cannot handle the task. How to wash lipstick off delicate-fabric clothing and remove lipstick stains from white items with ease and care. Every taste and budget can find something to suit them.

Features of removing lipstick from different types of fabrics

There are several techniques for getting lipstick out of things made of synthetic or natural fibers. For this, specialized equipment and pricey powders are not required. Improvised elements are used in many successful techniques. There are different stain removal techniques; some work well on cotton, while others work better on delicate fabrics.

Let’s talk about removing lipstick with a wash:

  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Bora and hydrogen peroxide;
  • Lemon and soda;
  • Toothpaste;
  • Alcohol;
  • Dishwashing liquid;
  • Turpentine;
  • Glycerin;


How to get lipstick off cotton fabric is not a question that faces a seasoned housewife. There are numerous items, such as unique pencils and stain removers.

Cotton doesn’t react with bleaches, but you can use homemade methods to remove lipstick from clothing:

  • Dishwashing detergent. A universal degreaser is in every kitchen. You need to drop a few drops of gel on the stain and foam it. For this, you can take an old toothbrush, sponge or cloth napkin. Lightly rub the surface and you can wash the lipstick off in the machine.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Dilute the peroxide to a 3% solution, and use a cotton pad or cotton swab to treat the surface. The peroxide will react with the fat and dye and discolor the stain.
  • Laundry soap. This method is suitable for everyone. Before using soap, you need to wet the fabric with warm water and rub it with soap, if the dirt does not come off, rub it with a brush additionally. And you can wash the item in the machine.

See also: Selecting the ideal temperature and washing mode for a blanket in an automatic washing machine

Delicate fabrics

Take some soda to make removing makeup stains from blouses easier. The simplest product works flawlessly to remove oily stains from delicate fabrics. Be sure to test the powder on a discrete area before using it to remove makeup stains.

Proceed with the dirt removal if the material is still intact.

After wetting the area and rubbing the powder in, sprinkle soda on the blouse’s surface and let it sit for 20 minutes. After washing off the soda, reapply the soda paste that has been combined with dish soap, and let it sit for ten more minutes. You can now use the washing machine to remove the lipstick. To keep delicate materials in perfect condition, make sure to use a conditioner.


It is preferable to use alternative stain removal techniques on dense materials. For instance, hairspray works well on jeans. Apply hairspray to the jeans and let them sit for seven minutes. Use a moist sponge to blot or use warm water to wash. If required, carry out these actions once more.

The structure of knitted items is loose, and it is very difficult to remove the dye from them once it gets into the middle of the fibers. However, toothpaste can keep the sweater intact. Using a toothbrush, apply it to the wet area and rub.

Next, use warm water to rinse the paste away.

Makeup frequently stains clothing during the colder months. Gasoline or turpentine can be used to clean coats and down jackets. Despite their frightening names, these materials are safe for a nylon jacket. Apply turpentine-soaked cotton pad to the material.

Paper napkins should be wet, applied on both sides, and pressed. Turpentine takes five to ten minutes to work. If you’re worried that a disagreeable odor will linger. Get rid of it by sandwiching a sheet of paper between the material and the iron, then ironing the gasoline or turpentine stains multiple times.

Method for removing stains Time
Dishwashing detergent (cotton) 10 min (repeat if necessary)
Laundry soap (cotton) 7-10 min
Hydrogen peroxide (cotton) 10 min
Hairspray (denim) 7 min
Hydrogen peroxide (delicate fabrics) 7-8 min
Sodium borate (borax) and hydrogen peroxide (delicate fabrics) 20 min
Lemon and soda (delicate fabrics) 30 min
Toothpaste (delicate fabrics) 20 min
Deterer for dishes (colored fabrics) 10 min (repeat if necessary)
Turpentine (colored fabrics) 10 min
Glycerin (colored fabrics) 1.5 – 2 hours
Turpentine (outerwear) 10-15 min
Gasoline (outerwear) 10-15 min

How to remove lipstick stains from white clothes

A white dress can be cleaned in a variety of ways because they are surprisingly easy to bleach. A strong bleach can be used to remove lipstick stains from snow-white shirts. Another option is to use a chlorine-containing cleaning powder. Using a napkin, wipe the powder onto the damp material and wipe it clean. After that, load the washing machine’s drum with laundry soap and wash a snow-white shirt.

Hydrogen peroxide

A hydrogen peroxide solution works well for removing makeup. White fabric won’t be harmed by this preparation. Use a disk soaked in the liquid to treat the surface after diluting the peroxide with water to a 3% solution.

Pour a pollution solution on the material if the dirt was able to seep through the surface. As if by magic, the stain will vanish with continued treatment. It is not recommended to use this product on delicate fabrics due to its strong nature.

Bora and hydrogen peroxide

Using hydrogen peroxide and borax, lipstick stains on clothing can be promptly removed. Sodium borate, also known as borea, is a product that can effectively remove even the most stubborn stains. 40 grams of sodium borate powder should be measured out, wet with a peroxide and water solution, and then applied to the fabric. Using a napkin, scrape off the gruel to complete the bleaching process.

Lemon and soda

Soda and lemon work well together to clean white clothing. These ingredients can be used to make a gruel that will make removing lipstick from white clothing simple. Combine baking soda and citric acid in equal amounts, moisten the area, and leave the prepared paste on for half an hour. Then use a cotton pad to scrape off the dried gruel.

Toothpaste for delicate fabrics

If the shirt is composed of natural fibers, then all these techniques work well. However, what should be done if the material is intolerant of extreme methods? Toothpaste can assist in removing lipstick stains from silk, wool, and synthetic fabric clothing. Toothpaste removes oily lipstick residue. After thoroughly rubbing it into the stain for 20 minutes, remove it with warm water.


If there is persistent cosmetic staining, alcohol is a good option. Stains on a white dress can be removed with the aid of this treatment. Using an alcohol-soaked napkin, the dirt is removed topically. After that, the product’s surface can be cleaned by applying and rubbing in a vinegar solution to the fabric.

Removing lipstick from colored fabrics

How to remove lipstick from clothing without fading the hue. Chlorine bleaches are not suitable; a strong stain remover may cause the material to become discolored. Use neutral substances like glycerin, turpentine, or dishwashing liquid to remove stains from colored clothing. You don’t have to worry that they’ll react chemically with the material and destroy it. They are safe for colored fabrics when used properly.

Dishwashing liquid

Dishwashing liquid works well for removing makeup from colored clothing. Although the substance is kinder, it is not meant to remove stains from long-wearing lipsticks. Dishwashing liquid is used to treat the stain; for best results, wet and rub the stain, then rinse it off. It is advisable to repeat the process multiple times as dishwashing liquid might not effectively remove the dirt from the surface.


Turpentine is entirely natural and works instantly to remove stains. The smell of this material is its sole disadvantage. If dirt needs to be removed quickly, use a cotton swab soaked in turpentine to blot the surface. Then iron for ten minutes while covering with a sheet of paper. Use warm water to wash the fabric to get rid of the odor.


If you need to remove a lipstick stain that will last for a long time, glycerin works well. Start processing the item with the dirty side facing up. Dust shouldn’t be present on the surface, so shake it well before cleaning. The affected area must be submerged in glycerin for one to two hours, then salted and washed with warm water.

Although it can be difficult, lipstick stains on white clothing can be completely removed with the correct method. Store-bought stain removers provide easy and efficient fixes, but common household items like dish soap, baking soda, and rubbing alcohol can also be very helpful.

To stop the stain from spreading, it’s critical to treat it as soon as possible. To prevent damage, always test any cleaning solution on a discrete, small portion of the fabric first.

Even after a lipstick spill, you can maintain the best-looking white clothing by adhering to these tips. All you need to do is remain persistent and patient, and you’ll see excellent outcomes.

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Alexey Volkov

Specialist in service and repair of washing machines. My work has taught me to understand all the intricacies of the device of this equipment. On this site I share my knowledge about how to properly care for a washing machine to extend its service life, and what to do if problems arise. My goal is to help you avoid common mistakes and save money on repairs.

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