Vibratory plate from a washing machine electric motor

Ever wonder what happens to outdated washing machines that are deemed unnecessary? Even though a lot of the parts might wind up in the recycling bin, some, like the electric motor, can be given new life. One such application is turning the motor into the vibratory plate’s central component, which makes it a useful tool for compacting gravel, dirt, and other materials.

For those who enjoy do-it-yourself projects, this project is not only a great way to breathe new life into an old motor but also a reasonably priced fix. You can build a useful tool for various landscaping or construction tasks by building a vibratory plate out of a washing machine motor, which will also save you money.

This post will explain how to make your own vibratory plate using the motor from a washing machine. Even though the procedure might not seem easy at first, even if you’re not a skilled mechanic or engineer, you can complete it with the correct help and a little perseverance.

An easy and affordable do-it-yourself project that can revive outdated appliances and save money is turning a washing machine motor into a vibratory plate. You can turn the motor into a useful tool for compacting paving stones, asphalt, or soil by repurposing it. Even if you’re not an expert in electronics or machinery, you can still follow along with this guide and learn how to do it.

Advantages and design of such a vibratory plate

Purchasing expensive equipment just to work on a personal garden plot on occasion is a waste of money. Such a device is very expensive and will not be used very often. The best choice is to use a functional electric motor from an old washing machine to assemble the vibratory plate yourself.

A homemade vibratory plate comes with a number of benefits.

  • minimum costs for materials and components;
  • full compliance with the owner"s requests – you can determine the weight and dimensions of the device yourself;
  • simplicity of design;
  • reliability of homemade products.

There is, of course, a disadvantage. You will need to dedicate several hours of your leisure time to creating a homemade device, compared to simply purchasing a ready-made one from a store. You can go to work if this is not a problem.

The components of a homemade vibratory plate are as follows:

  • directly the plate. On the sides it should have bends – to pass through uneven ground;
  • roller with eccentricity;
  • motor from a washing machine;
  • frame on which the electric motor will be mounted;
  • handles – it will be possible to turn the device in the desired direction;
  • wheels – required for transporting the vibratory plate;
  • various fasteners.

The majority of the parts are located in the attic or garage. You will need to make an additional purchase. A homemade vibrating plate will, in any event, be less expensive than a device from the store.

Let"s collect everything you need

Quite a few tools will be required for the device’s construction. Typically, they are found in every home; occasionally, you may need to borrow something from your neighbors. It’s essential to get ready:

  • grinder;
  • welding machine;
  • welding electrodes;
  • hammer;
  • set of wrenches;
  • pencil, ruler, tape measure;
  • soldering iron.

You must wear welding gloves and a mask as part of your personal protective equipment when creating a vibrating plate.

The motor will serve as the "heart" of the homemade plate. This may be the most basic asynchronous motor found in a washing machine that is automatic Vyatka. You can change the number of revolutions if you use an electric motor collector. In this instance, though, the circuit will require the addition of a variable resistor.

Furthermore, for the assembling process, you will require:

  • wires with plugs;
  • network plug;
  • metal plate, about 8-10 mm thick. It is better to take a sheet of carbon steel. It is allowed to use cast iron, but you need to make sure that it is free of defects;
  • channels and metal corners for assembling the frame;
  • handle (it is recommended to take a round pipe with a diameter of about 2-3 cm and a length of 3 meters);
  • set of fasteners (screws, bolts, nuts, etc.);
  • vibration damping elements. You can remove parts from an old car – silent blocks, springs, etc. In extreme cases, rubber shock absorbers cut from car tires will do.

The most important "small things" that will help along the way are these. Now that the parts are ready, you can get to work. We will explain the process of creating a vibrating plate.

We design a vibrating plate

It is essential to calculate the future project first. Make a diagram of the vibrating plate and consider the depth at which the soil should be pressed. There are gadgets:

  • lightweight, weighing no more than 75 kg. With their help, you can compact the soil to a depth of up to 15 cm. The best option for use in summer cottages and local areas. Suitable for arranging garden paths, sidewalks and other simple work;
  • medium, the maximum weight of which is 90 kg, and the compaction depth is up to 25 cm. Suitable for laying asphalt, sidewalks, etc.;
  • medium-heavy – weighing from 90 to 140 kilograms. The compaction depth of such devices can reach 160 cm. They are used to strengthen sewer pits and other more ambitious tasks;
  • heavy – weighing from 140 kg. These are professional devices used in construction.

For home use, vibratory plates up to 75 kg in weight are ideal.

The homemade device’s weight must be compatible with the electric motor. It takes 3.7 kW of power for every 100 kg of vibratory plate weight.

The appropriate transmission mechanism must be determined when using a single-phase motor. At precisely three beats per second, or 180 revolutions per minute, the eccentric rotates. You can find the electric motor’s frequency on the vehicle or in the passport. Assume it is revolutions per minute of 1000.

After that, 1000/180 = 5.5 will be the gear ratio. This leads to the conclusion that the eccentric pulley needs to be five and a half times larger than the engine pulley. You can start the installation after the computations are finished. Throughout the task, it is crucial to remember the safety regulations.

The functional component is assembled first. The following will be the sequence of events:

  • cut a rectangle of the required size from a sheet of metal (for example, 720×400 mm), sharp edges must be rounded;
  • bend the front edge of the workpiece by 10 cm, the back by 7 cm. To do this, cut small cuts with a grinder at the bending points;
  • After the edges are bent, weld the cut;
  • if required, strengthen the fold place with scarves.

The operational portion is thus ready. Next, carry out these actions:

  • fasten the motor to the frame using rubber shock absorbers;
  • make a vibrator (this will be a shaft installed with an eccentricity, i.e. a slight tilt);
  • fasten a heavy metal plate to the vibrator (for imbalance);
  • install plain bearings (this type will be the best for working in vibration conditions);
  • install the shaft and connect it to the electric motor (via a V-belt drive);
  • treat all moving parts with special grease;
  • hide the drive mechanism under a protective cover;
  • assemble and secure the handle. It should be fixed with a hinge so that vibration impulses are not transmitted to the user"s hands;
  • prime the structure and paint. The plate itself does not need to be treated – it will wear out very quickly from constant contact with the ground.

Remember that the motor and the shaft pulley need to be on the same line when installing the device.

Here’s how to put together a vibrating plate using your hands. While it is not a quick process, you can have a functional device that is on par with a store-bought machine in a matter of hours. There will be large savings.

Topic Vibratory Plate from a Washing Machine Electric Motor
Description A vibratory plate is a tool used for compacting soil, sand, or gravel. By repurposing the electric motor from an old washing machine, you can create a DIY vibratory plate. The motor provides the necessary vibration to compact materials effectively, making it a cost-efficient solution for small-scale projects.

Repurposing old household appliances into a vibratory plate is a clever and useful idea for the electric motor of a washing machine. In addition to giving a neglected motor a new lease on life, this do-it-yourself project offers an affordable way to compact soil or lay pavers in your garden.

The washing machine must be carefully disassembled, and then the motor must be firmly mounted onto a strong base. You can adjust the motor to produce a strong vibrating motion that is perfect for small-scale construction projects if you have the necessary tools and a basic understanding of electrical principles.

This project is an excellent illustration of how to reuse everyday objects in a practical and sustainable way. You’ll feel a sense of pride in creating something with your own hands and have a useful tool that can save you money and reduce waste if you carefully follow the instructions.

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Dmitry Kuznetsov

Technical consultant and blogger. I have always been passionate about technology and enjoy learning how various equipment works. On this site I share my knowledge about washing machines, offer advice on caring for them and talk about new products on the market.

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