Checking the pressure switch in a Candy washing machine

One of the most important parts to inspect when your Candy washing machine acts up is the pressure switch. This tiny gadget is crucial in making sure the drum has the proper volume of water in it at all times.

Your washing machine may overflow or fail to fill with water if the pressure switch isn’t functioning properly. It can save you time and money on repairs if you know how to check this component.

This post will walk you through the procedure of inspecting the pressure switch in your Candy washing machine, assisting you in maintaining the smooth operation of your equipment.

First, you should be aware that the pressure switch in a Candy washing machine regulates the water level within the drum. One possible reason for an incorrect filling or draining of your washing machine could be a malfunctioning pressure switch. By finding the switch, looking for obstructions in the hose, and using a multimeter to check for continuity, you can test it on your own.

How does a water level sensor work?

In order to make the pressure switch easier to use, you must first comprehend how it functions. Since the equipment cannot operate normally without it, the level switch is regarded as one of the essential components of the "home assistant." The control module, to which the level sensor provides data regarding the volume of water in the tank, is in charge of operating the washing machine. When there is not enough liquid in the system to complete the working cycle, the control module uses the pressure switch to determine when to close the inlet valve to stop the intake of water.

The amount of liquid that enters the tank is managed by the water level switch itself. Every working cycle requires a different amount of water, which is controlled by the pressure switch. The component resembles a tiny, rounded piece of plastic. Simultaneously, a pressure hose and wiring are connected to the relay; inside the component, there is a switch and a thin membrane.

The level relay on Candy brand equipment is situated close to the dispenser, beneath the case’s top panel.

Let’s take a quick look at how this unit functions in an automatic SM. The pressure switch hose is first filled with air under high pressure. The air then strikes the membrane, which changes shape and closes the switch. The component then uses electrical wiring to notify the control module that the inlet valve needs to be closed right away because there is sufficient water in the system for the chosen working cycle.

How to understand that the pressure switch is out of order?

Without actually checking, you can frequently make educated guesses about water level sensor damage. This is because most Candy washing machines come equipped with an intelligent automated diagnostic system. The machine will alert the user to the malfunction by displaying the appropriate error code on the display as soon as it notices damage to the level relay. The housewife will then just need to locate and interpret the error code by consulting the user manual.

However, sometimes there are situations when the device for some reason does not display the error code. In this case, the malfunction can be understood by the lack of water in the drum after starting the working cycle. At the same time, you can sometimes find that despite the empty drum, the “home assistant” for some reason activates the water heater. Also, problems with the pressure switch can be understood by the uncontrolled and continuous collection of water into the tank. Plus, you can always check the clothes after washing – if the laundry remains wet, then most likely the water simply could not go into the drain in time, so the clothes were wrung out in the water.

In addition to pressure switch damage, these incidents may also indicate malfunctions of other crucial system parts, such as the control module or the inlet valve. Another possibility is that the washing machine’s utility connections were incorrect. You can confirm that the water level sensor is indeed the source of the issue by performing a quick test, which we go into more detail about below.

Testing the sensor

To test the element, no particular expertise, equipment, or knowledge is required. Consequently, you can easily check everything yourself and save your family money by not rushing to call a service center specialist. How should I handle this?

  • Disconnect the machine from all utilities.
  • Remove all the screws holding the top panel of the case, and put the cover aside.
  • Find the pressure switch inside the device.
  • Prepare a small tube, the diameter of which will be the same as the fitting.
  • Remove the pressure hose, install the prepared tube into it and gently blow into it.
  • If you hear one or three quiet clicks, then the part is fine.
  • Afterwards, carefully inspect the relay, examining its body, as well as the hose, which can be additionally washed with a powerful stream of water from the tap to clear it of blockages.

The level sensor will need to be tested using a standard multimeter if it appears to be intact and undamaged. To accomplish this, turn on the resistance measurement mode on the tester, attach the probes to the relay contacts, and review the data that is displayed. The pressure switch needs to be replaced if the resistance has not changed and the readings have changed, indicating that the contacts are functioning properly.

Sensor adjustment

You shouldn’t rush to buy because there are situations when a new spare part is not necessary. Initially, you could attempt to accurately adjust the element; however, to do so, you will require precise information regarding the amount of water required by the Candy washing machine during a given cycle of operation. This information can be found in the user manual. The number of screws that are ready for the relay can range from one to three.

The component’s screws then need to be tightened in accordance with the volume of water needed for each cycle. If you set up the relay correctly for operation, you can avoid replacing the element in this way. Fine-tuning often necessitates the use of a repair service because it is very difficult to do yourself.


Step Description
1 Unplug the washing machine to ensure safety.
2 Remove the top panel of the washing machine to access the pressure switch.
3 Locate the pressure switch, usually near the control panel.
4 Disconnect the wires attached to the pressure switch.
5 Using a multimeter, check the resistance between the terminals of the pressure switch.
6 Blow gently into the pressure switch tube and observe if the resistance changes.
7 If the resistance changes, the pressure switch is working; if not, it may need replacing.
8 Reconnect the wires and reassemble the washing machine.
9 Plug the machine back in and run a test cycle to ensure everything works correctly.

The pressure switch is frequently to blame when your Candy washing machine isn’t filling or draining water as it should. This tiny but essential part keeps the water levels in check so that your clothes are washed correctly and without overflow or shortage.

Acquiring the knowledge to examine the pressure switch on your own can help you avoid costly repairs and save time. It’s a simple process that just needs some patience and some simple tools. Replacing the faulty switch is typically a quick fix that will restore the functionality of your washing machine.

Maintaining and checking your washing machine on a regular basis can help avoid many common problems, including pressure switch problems. You can prolong the life of your appliance and have hassle-free laundry days by taking preventative measures.

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Ekaterina Vasilieva

Consultant on choosing household appliances. Working in a hardware store, I helped many customers choose washing machines that perfectly suited their needs. In my articles, I share recommendations and personal life hacks for choosing and using, so that it is easier for you to make a decision.

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